Who we are

About us
Lifelong Learners of the Central Coast (LLCC) is a California Nonprofit Benefit Corporation. We are a qualified non-profit to which contributions are tax deductible.
The Community Foundation of San Luis Obispo County was LLCC's original fiscal sponsor until we received our own recognition as a tax-exempt organization. We still proudly maintain our connection with the Community Foundation..
LLCC is a diverse community of independent thinkers who develop curriculum, teach classes, organize events, administer programs, establish friendships, guide excursions and much more.
Any views expressed by instructors, lecturers, or speakers are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Lifelong Learners of the Central Coast.
LLCC Donates small amounts of money to other public charities who provide us with relevant teachers and/or classroom space.
Our mission:
To provide enriching educational, personal growth, and cultural opportunities for and by an active volunteer community of retired and other mature adults.
Our values:
We value the life experience and perspectives of the people who participate in our programs
We value collaboration and respectful learning environments.
We value innovation and other means for discovering new ways to create, enhance, and sustain the quality of our programs
We value and take pride in being an integral part of all communities of San Luis Obispo County
We support other non-profits through donations when the our objectives mesh well.