Meet our all-volunteer leadership!

Marianne Buckmeyer
Vice President & Curriculum Committee Chair
Marianne was one of the founding members of Save the Mesa and was its president for seven years. She also had the job to set up the monthly speakers for many of those years and did community interface with groups like the Land Conservancy, Ride Nipomo, and the Nipomo school board. She was a member of the Greenhouse committee that was formed by a former County supervisor to solve the problems that were arising from the growth of greenhouses in the neighborhoods. Took the lead in establishing the truck route in Nipomo, coming up the Good Neighbor Policy, and is now the community liaison between the area residents and CCGGA for solving problems. Marianne is a retired human resources professional.

John Frey
Secretary & Board Director
John taught chemistry and engaged in chemical research for 40 years at several universities and is now retired. He was a founding member of the Northern Center of Lifelong Learning in Marquette, Michigan. He is a member of the Cuesta Master Chorale, sings in the chorus of Opera San Luis Obispo and teaches courses on opera. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Marquette MI and has been a member of the Rotary Club of SLO since 1998. He is currently vice-president of the Board of Opera Lovers Meet and secretary of the Board of Directors of Opera San Luis Obispo.

Debby Grisanti
Treasurer & Board Director
Debby brings to the LLCC Board 25 years of running an engineering firm with her husband. She performed all accounting functions except for income tax filing. She also has the same amount of experience of volunteering with non- profit organizations such as Newcomers, Rotary, Los Osos Community Advisory Council, San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden and Sunrise Terrace Recreation Board in capacities from treasurer, docent, facilities manager, to President.

Ed Cabrera
Board Director & IT Coordinator
Ed Cabrera is our audio-visual manager and IT Coordinator. He is responsible for assuring that our presenters have all the audio and visual tools and support they need to be successful. Ed is a native Californiano who was born and raised in the Salinas Valley hamlet of Gonzales, received his B.A. at San Jose State and entered the corporate wars in the Bay Area on behalf of the Xerox Corporation, where he was the youngest senior sales representative on the West Coast at one time. A timely epiphany inspired him to enter the classroom as a secondary teacher. His career spanned 36 years with stops in Perris, California and nearby Atascadero High School. Ed not only taught a variety of social studies classes but also coached football, baseball and soccer at various levels and was advisor to yearbook and newspaper staffs as well as finding time to earn an M.A in education from Cal Poly. At the time of his retirement Ed was the only teacher in his district to attain national certification. He feels that his association with Lifelong Learners is a natural progression in his lifelong dedication to the field of education.

Merril Lynn Schalla
Board Director
Merril has been involved with various boards and community organizations during her employment years and since retiring, including serving on her homeowners board for 13 years. She is a graduate of UCSB, was a school aide for Special Education, had an 8-year career as a professional in Behavioral Therapy (IBIP) for Tricounties Regional Center and a 20-year career as Systems Analyst for SBRC/Hughes/Raytheon.