
Donate Now
To pay for or renew your membership, or simply to donate!

The Benefits of Membership
​The Lifelong Learners of the Central Coast of California celebrates the insatiable curiosity of adults and their ongoing quest to learn about, engage with, and contribute to the world around them. Just a love of learning. As an LLCC member, you gain access to:
Relevant courses — exclusively for members — in history, politics, science, literature, music, film and more taught by volunteers
Speaker events featuring leading thinkers in their fields discussing some of the most pressing issues of our time
Field trips led and organized by volunteers
Become a 2025 now by contributing
to the Lifelong Learners of the Central Coast
LLCC Members are able to register for classes at a reduced price and have access to other LLCC programs.
Each year's individual membership starts in January and ends in December.
Your membership contributions are tax deductible. LLCC encourages you to donate more than $25--your contributions help us keep the all-volunteer program running smoothly. Thank you!

To become a new member, or renew your membership, donate $25 or more per person, you may now use PayPal or any major credit card. Click below and follow the directions as instructed.
You may still become a LLCC member through the mail, if you wish. Please mail a check made out to Lifelong Learners of the Central Coast to our Post Office Box:
Lifelong Learners of the Central Coast
P.O. Box 177
Arroyo Grande, CA
When you mail us a check, please mail it with an information form which you can find ​​​here to print out and fill in.
If you do send a check, please also send an email to: lifelearnerscentralcoast@gmail.com to let us know. That way we can send you the 2025 password for your course discount as soon as possible. As a member, you are entitled to register for courses for a substantially lower cost.
Please be aware that these are individual, not family memberships. You must be a member yourself to use a password to take advantage of the member discount .