Teach a course! Click button below and follow the link.

We Are Always Looking for
New Instructors!

All of our courses are taught by volunteer instructors. ​
There are a lot of people who grew up in the San Luis Obispo area or have moved here by choice who have had great careers in many interesting areas of the public and private sectors. ​
The people who have volunteered to teach for LLCC
have one thing in common--they all know something
that is interesting , and they want to share with others.
If you know something interesting and you want to
share it, please volunteer to teach a course for LLCC.
If you know someone who has something interesting
to tell us, please pass the word along.​
If you are interested in teaching a course, please
complete a Course Proposal Form and send it to us.​
The course proposal is available as a Microsoft Word Document. Please
use it to submit your course proposal. Please follow these directions:​
Click here and follow the directions your computer gives you after clicking.​
It will open the Microsoft Word document that is our course proposal form. Fill it out and email it as an attachment to our Curriculum Director using her email address shown in the course proposal.
FAQ for Being a Course Instructor
1. What does it mean to “teach” for LLCC or to be an LLCC “instructor”?
LLCC instructors need not have formal training. Some have never previously taught a day in their lives. LLCC “teaching” is more like sharing a special interest with others. What’s needed is knowledge and enthusiasm. Almost all LLCC instructors will tell you that the experience is a lot of fun.
2. How much input does an instructor have into the design of the course?
Instructors determine every aspect of a course: content, number of sessions, class size, mode and style of instruction, and, venue availability permitting, the date and time. Sessions are generally 2 hours long. Courses may have from one to 6 sessions. Let us know if you have a longer course in mind.
3. What should I teach?
LLCC attendees are enthusiastic learners with diverse interests, broad life experiences, and active curiosities. Nearly any topic will attract some portion of our membership. We prefer courses scheduled weekdays during the daytime.
4. I've never taught or presented anything before. Is help available?
Yes. We can help you with content and presentation, including the use of AV and PowerPoint. Just contact Ed Cabrera for a referral to one of our volunteers.
5. How do I get a Course Proposal Form and to whom do I send it after I have completed it?
Click Here and a copy of the LLCC Course Proposal Form will automatically download. Email the completed form as an attachment to Marianne Buckmeyer at MBuckmeyer@aol.com
6. How far in advance do I need to submit my Course Proposal?
Course proposals are due at least two months before the first class meeting to allow time for review by the Curriculum Committee, for possible revisions, to locate and schedule a venue, to promote the course, and to allow LLCC attendees to enroll.
7. Who will contact me from LLCC to help me after I submit my course proposal?
A member of the LLCC Curriculum Committee will contact you to let you know whether your course proposal was accepted. If so, you will be contacted by our Venue Coordinator to confirm the date, time and location of your course. A member of our AV team will contact you a few weeks before your course to discuss and confirm your AV requirements. (see 8. Below). A week to ten days prior to the first class meeting, the course host will contact you to firm up details and let you know how many attendees to expect.
8. What audio-visual equipment does LLCC provide or do I need to supply my own?
You may provide your own laptop or LLCC may make one available if you intend to use one. Depending on your needs, LLCC can provide a:
· digital video projector with USB, VGA and HDMI video inputs and RCA audio output. This projector has a remote control.
· Blu-Ray player for DVD playback.
· small speaker for projecting sound in a medium sized room.
· lightweight, portable PA system with a wireless lapel mike or a handheld mike.
· portable screen for venues that don’t have a built-in screen.
Please let us know in your course proposal what you are going to do (e.g., show a PowerPoint presentation, play a DVD, play something that needs an internet connection) and what equipment you might need.
9. How far in advance will I receive my location?
About 6 weeks.
10. What if more attendees than planned wish to enroll?
People who want to sign up for a course after it is sold out are placed on a waiting list. If spaces later open up, it's first come first served. If the waiting list still exceeds your designated maximum, LLCC will invite you to repeat the course.
11. Do I pay for my own handouts?
You are responsible for creating and reproducing your own handouts. LLCC reimburses up to 25.00 per course session to help defray the cost of handouts. Contact the Chair of the Curriculum Committee to request reimbursement. If your course requires an unusually large number of handouts, a reproduction surcharge will be included in the course fee. If such a fee is required, please note this on the Course Proposal Form.
12. May I require that attendees buy and read a book for the course?
No, except for book discussion courses. For all other courses, you may provide a suggested reading list. Please include the title, author, publisher and ISBN# of books, if possible.
13. May I request "special" features (chair arrangements, no tables, etc.) for the room I am assigned?
Yes. Please identify such special needs in detail on the Course Proposal Form and discuss them with the Venue Coordinator.
14. If I am asked to teach the course again, will I be permitted to make changes to it?
15. May I bring an assistant along to help me teach the course?
Yes. Make sure to include biographical information on any assistants on your course proposal form so it can be included in the catalog.
16. What do I do if I become ill or have an emergency that prevents me from teaching my course as scheduled?
In case of illness or emergency, contact your Course Host as soon as possible, and he/she will notify those enrolled in your course.
17. Will I receive any payment or honorarium for teaching a course for LLCC?
LLCC does not provide honoraria to instructors, because everyone associated with LLCC is a volunteer, including all of our instructors. However, we do offer our instructors a free annual LLCC membership to be used during the year following your course. For example, we will offer a free 2017 (January through December) membership ($25 value) to all who teach a course in 2016.
18. May non-LLCC members (family, friends, neighbors, others) attend my course? If so, must they pay the regular LLCC fees?
LLCC courses are open to anyone who has purchased a ticket. Our only income comes from memberships, course fees and occasional donations. We hope your invitees will understand our situation and register for your course.
19. If I own a business or have items to sell, may I promote them or hand out my business cards?
LLCC's goal is to provide learning opportunities for attendees, not marketing opportunities for instructors. Instructors may not promote their for-profit services or products during the class. Instructors must disclose the nature of their business in the course description portion of the course proposal if the class topic relates to their business. Printed materials, business cards and website URLs related to the instructor's business may be displayed but not featured. Authors may make their books, DVDs, recordings and other original works available for sale at the end of the course, but the primary purpose of the course may not be the sale of those items. The Curriculum Committee
will work with instructors to avoid potential conflicts of interest; it will have the final say.
20. How does LLCC use attendee course fees?
LLCC is a chartered 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation. All fees support courses, luncheons, and operating expenses. LLCC major expenses are facilities rentals, printing, mailing and internet overhead, equipment, insurance, marketing and advertising.
21. The course I have in mind is controversial. May I offer it anyway?
Maybe. LLCC cannot endorse, or appear to endorse, any particular religious, political, philosophical or ideological belief, or discriminate against any person on any basis, but we welcome proposals about controversial topics. The Curriculum Committee decides whether a course is suitable, so please clearly describe what you have in mind in the Course Proposal. The catalog description of the course will alert attendees to its content and point of view so that they can make an informed decision about whether they wish to enroll.